The history of Petrogalli Moto begins in the late 1970s, the result of the passion for motorcycles and competitions by the owner Petrogalli Attilio, a professional rider and entitled at Italian and international level.

Opened a dealership in the homeland of Clusone (historical headquarters of the infamous "Valli Bergamasche", epic race in the world of enduro off-roading) the activity has developed to the present day and has been expanded thanks also to the contribution of the two sons Michele and Marcello, both of whom participate both commercially and sportingly, starting from the Italian speed scooter championship to the enduro off-road championship.

The need and curiosity to look for new brands in the sector and all those products to date the prerogative of only large distributors has led Petrogalli Moto to offer new exclusive brands online, its experience and a service equal to increasingly demanding and passionate customers.

Petrogalli Moto is also a multi-brand dealership and workshop.

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